and what you can do about it

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We have seen a rapid development of technology that has made life easier and more fun. Most of our appliances have computer chips, we enjoy instant communication with mobile phones and a wide range of media beamed to our homes by satellite, cable and WiFi. Who wants to give all this up? Life without Facebook?! Forget it! But what if all the electromagnetic radiation produced by this technology were seriously damaging your health? Would you think again?
What’s happening? The billion cells of your body working together like an orchestra, in optimal circumstances will resonate in harmony and keep us healthy. Within the cells, deep in the molecular and atomic levels there is always movement and rhythm. At this very subtle yet crucial level, we are vulnerable to the influence of the equally subtle electromagnetic radiation that is now an ever-present part of life in the Western world.
Besides an almost irrational desire for a caffeine fix first thing in the morning other signs that your system had been compromised is a weak immune system that can lead infections, allergic reactions, psycho-emotional disturbance and chronic fatigue.
What to do? Go and live on a mountain top? Probably there will be a cell phone tower there!
Over the past twenty years, in my medical practice I have encountered many cases of patients’ condition improving with my treatments of acupuncture and biofeedback, but then slipping back again. When I checked the places that they spent considerable time- their office and, more importantly, their bedroom, I invariably detected the influence of geopathic stress (see my website: DrIgor.org for more info) and/or electromagnetic radiation.
In my extensive travels I was very pleased to come across a new family of devices that have been shown to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic smog. One small ‘Quint’ device will protect the room where you work or sleep. A larger one will cover an entire house. It’s only fitting that the technological developments that have created the problem are also now providing a solution. Now it’s just a matter sharing information and awareness about the invisible dangers that surround us.
Have a look at some evidence:
18 New scientific papers about electrosmog (Nov. 2018)